



          My highest level of education is:

            I graduated from

            With a degree in

            Here is my professional experience!

            Laser Hive

            Laser Hive is a software development services company that focused on small businesses. It consists of 3 departments. 1. Mage Hive - Magento platform development, 2. MOS Hive - mobile app development in Native script and 3. Odoo Hive, ERP integration of Magento to Odoo. Core value of Laser Hive is working in dedicated small teams that cover all skills necessary in each “Hive” and impeccable communication

            Open Source Integrators
            E-commerce Department Lead and Project Manager

            OSI is a leader in Open Source ERP development in USA. Company specializes in Odoo ERP consulting and in house development but is able to integrate other open source solutions to fit any business need. I was a e-commerce department lead and point person in charge of working directly with product owners to discover and design specific business needs in regards to E-commerce and POS terminals.

            Bespoke Fitness Fuel
            Chief Operating Officer

            B2C Food delivery service tailored to customers exact nutrition needs based in London UK. I managed the entire logistics from online presence and functionality to delivery and recruiting.

            Founder and CEO

            Nutrimatik is an internet connected healthy drink vending machine that can dispense exact nutrients from powder form according to the end users metrics. I am the concept creator and business operator.

            Talent nation USA
            Director Of Operations

            Talent nation USA is a marketing company based out of Miami that deals mostly with brand and website development and social media management. I was functioning as a COO and was in charge of high level product design interacting directly with product owners (athletes and entertainment figures mostly) and then tasking out the development to the team i recruited and managed.

            I am primarily looking for a remote job in/as

              I am also open to exciting opportunities in

                Years Of Experience in Primary Role

                  Years Of Experience in Secondary Role

                    I am looking for

                      I am open to travel jobs!

                      I value

                        I have cool hobbies!

                          This is my story
                          I just want to say hi in person. Check my video!







                          There is so much more to learn about me that I have included my resume here!