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Adventurous, kind, grateful, creative... I just enjoy life one day at a time. I strive everyday to be a better human than I was the day before... not just for myself but for the benefit of others.
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United States Of America
United States Of America
Some College
University of Connecticut
Business Management
Accountability, Attention to Detail, Empathy, Environment, Mindful, Relationships, Trust, Understanding
Animals/pets/dogs, Beachcombing, Blogging, Camping, Creative writing, Digital Photography, Photography, Writing

I am a creative, loving soul... always looking for the next adventure. I have been writing, drawing, taking photos and playing make believe most of my life. My imagination sometimes seemed the only acceptable reality... and allowed me to escape the troubled environment I was living in.

I have had more labels in my life than a flower has petals. These titles, excuses for my behavior, labels, names for this and that... I embraced every one as my reality at the time. I soon grew to realize these were other intentions for my life and few served me as a grown up so I began to search for my own identity... my own reality that allowed me to shed the cocoon I had been encased in for so long.

Little piece by little piece I scratched my way to the surface, then through to the outside. I finally was able to spread my wings and while my new wings were developing I searched through my titles, the box of labels and the memories to sorted out what was mine and what was something imposed me by outsiders. This was a long process that I will never perfect... nor will I ever be totally content. Life is ever evolving and I am doing my best everyday. Nothing more can I expect or can be expected of me.

Advertising, Automotive, Business management, Design, Graphic Design
Travel/Tour Guide
1 - 3 Years of experience
3 - 5 Years of experience