1-Way Ticket to Bali: How She Followed Her Dream of Traveling Full-Time

By Ozge Balkanli
Kaus Sharma has dreamed of travelling for as long as she can remember.
One of her personal missions is to show others back home in India that it is possible to travel on a budget. She is living proof of this as shown on her blog, Off My Desk.
Finally after working with multiple digital agencies, crafting digital stories & travelling on a budget, Kaus is finally ready to travel full time in 2019.
Starting with a one-way ticket to….Bali!!
This is a dream come true for Kaus and being part of Pangian is what helped to inspire her to make it all happen.
She is off to visit Bali and rest of Southeast Asia starting February and we can’t wait to hear all about it!
When did you know you really wanted to travel?
“I started traveling when I was young. My mom is from Rishikesh and my dad is from Jaipur so we always used to travel between the two.
Growing up, I didn’t care much about these places but as my interest in world travel developed, I realized, these two places are two of the top destinations for travelers in the world.
So far, I have lived and worked in 4 cities that cover almost all climate types (mountains, desert, beaches, and hill station) and I’ve traveled to more than 20 cities.
I got my first job in 2012, which gave me money and freedom to travel with my friends. I wanted to travel more, but there are limitations when you travel with a group. So, I did something that is not popular in India: Solo travel.
I backpacked solo to Goa. I had my inhibitions about this as you don’t hear good things in the news about traveling as a solo woman in India, but it turned out to be a life-changing experience.
There was no stopping me after that. Whenever I got time, I saved money and traveled. I even moved to the south of India to travel around the southern coastline.
The more I traveled, the more I realized this is something I want to pursue full-time and not just for a vacation. So, I had to turn it into a full-time thing.”
“This will be my first experience working and traveling at the same time so I am excited.
I am hoping to meet a lot of experienced digital nomads. I think traveling always comes with a lesson, so I am pretty sure I will get to learn a lot and meet a lot of people.”
“It is also a stepping stone for me to start my digital nomad lifestyle. I’ve never lived a lifestyle like this, so I am really psyched to see how it goes and what lesson it has got for me.”
How did you start working remotely?
“I started working remotely by quitting my full-time job. I was a Content Lead and bringing in good money every month.
But there was more for me and I didn’t want to get stuck there.
I quit my job, traveled for a bit and started interviewing for online jobs. I needed to build something of my own as well. I figured I have almost 6 years of digital marketing experience so why not start something with it?
I met Ozzy on Pangian and spoke to her about starting a 100% remote digital agency and she was up for it.
Together we founded The WiFi Bunch. It was a long haul but we finally got our company’s website up and running.
To sustain myself until our business picks up, I got a job as an online English teacher.
So far, it has worked well for me. I have time to work on my business, develop my travel channels and not worry about not-having-enough-time.”
How do you envision your future?
Another important thing will be to help others live out their travel dreams through my own experiences.”
Lastly, as your co-founder of TheWifiBunch and friend, what are your hopes and dreams for the future with us together, our company & your personal goals?
“The WiFi Bunch (TWB) is not just about making money, it is about giving possibilities to people who aspire to become travelers or just want to have more freedom in life.
It started with two people (Ozzy and I) who wanted to have more freedom in our lives and see the world.
We want to break the office-job pattern of work that has been running for centuries and show everyone that they can live the life of their dreams while working remotely.
TWB could be the first 100% remote company in India.
The Wifi Bunch is a company that focuses on adding value to people’s lives: both clients and team members. We provide our services to small/local businesses and individuals in the travel/lifestyle sector to help them grow.
People from around the world will join our team and have endless opportunities to travel and live a comfortable life. Especially, people who are in developing countries where travel is still a luxury and where most people believe travel is just a First World thing. I want to break this limiting belief.
My personal goal is to make full-time travel a possibility for myself and for others through this company.
I’d also like to travel with my co-founder, Ozzy, and work on exciting projects with her. It’s a dream.”
We are so excited to hear about Kaus’ story and adventures in Bali. Happy to have her in our Pangian community! -Ozzy

About the Author
Ozge Balkanli – Love traveling and mindful living. On a mission to sharing light. Helping women become courageous superheroes of their lives at Ozzybalkanli.com
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