Founding Fullstack Engineer (Remote)

Salary: Competitive Salary
Job Type: Full time
Experience: Senior Level


Founding Fullstack Engineer (Remote)

Founding Fullstack Engineer | M0 | India

About The Company:

Web 3.0 is the next wave of technology breakthroughs to revolutionizehuman society, with key pillars being decentralized finance (DeFi), NFTs,Metaverse, and decentralized autonomous organization (DAO). The space is...

About The Company:Web 3.0 is the next wave of technology breakthroughs to revolutionizehuman society, with key pillars being decentralized finance (DeFi), NFTs,Metaverse, and decentralized autonomous organization (DAO). The space isgrowing at breakneck speed with enormous growth potential in years to come.M0 is an AI, Blockchain, and web3 technology company exploring big ideas inidentity, ownership, utility, DeFi, and interoperability to push thecrypto, NFT, and Metaverse space forward. We are looking for the bestbuilders, hackers, innovators, entrepreneurs, visionaries & andcreatives to come design the future together. This isn’t a typicaljob at M0 you will be challenged to bring out the best version of yourselfin bringing to life the creative renaissance of Web3 and Generative AI. Weare seeking driven individuals with a hunger for product ownership andimpact and the potential for asymmetrical upside in doing so. If youdon’t know about Web3 yet – it’s all good, you’reabout to define it.Requirements:Extensive experience with system design, Backend, and microservicearchitecture and design patterns for building full-stack scalable andresponsive web applications.Experience in building backends using Nest.js, and Microservicesframework.Experience working with Typescript and strong proficiency in frontenddevelopment using HTML, Tailwind, and JavaScript.Experience with Supabase, Next.js, Prisma, TRPC, LLM’s.Strong NodeJS knowledge and understanding of the ecosystems.Familiarity with server-side rendering and routing in Next.js, andability to leverage these features effectively.Experience with testing frameworks and tools for frontend and backendapplications.Proficiency in version control systems like Git.Excellent problem-solving and debugging skills.Strong communication and collaboration skills to work effectivelywithin a team environment.Experience with Redux.js, LLMS, and Vector DB is a plus.Responsibilities:Building progressive webapps using Next.js.Creating and integrating backend built using MongoDB, Prisma, Supabase, Trpc, and LLMS to progressive web apps.Write code according to our best practices and define new bestpractices.Write unit tests and conduct end-to-end testing to ensure the qualityand stability of the codebase.Continuously improve code quality, maintainability, and scalability ofthe codebase.What are we looking for:Strong Sense of Drive: This role requires someone whocan take a concept and run with it with a high level of autonomy.You’ll need to make critical technical decisions and be comfortablewith high levels of responsibility.Understanding of Startup Life: We are a scrappy teamand work hard. We want someone who understands that startups are hard work,but you will be solving a real problem.Learning & Adaptability: In startup-land,priorities and workflows can shift quickly. We value engineers who canpivot and adapt to new challenges while continuing to deliver results andare flexible around changing workflows.Commitment to Quality: You should strive forexcellence in your work, understanding that everything from the userinterface to back-end stability contributes to the user experience.Delivery: Strong project management skills and aproven track record of taking these types of projects through all stagesfrom inception to deployment.Testing/Quality: Ability to understand and debugnative code as well as performance tune mobile applications.Communication: Strong technical and non-technicalcommunication skills with the ability to articulate a vision to audiencesof varying technical expertise and collaborate with stakeholders at alllevels of the organization.Leadership: Track record of ownership for team-scaleexecution and technical excellence. Show more Show lessTagged as: remote, remote job, virtual, Virtual Job,virtual position, Work at Home, work from home
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